Wednesday, December 22, 2010
in my dream world
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Latest Read part II
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Weekend

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The last three months of the year are always crazy anyway due to balancing holidays, holiday events, holiday preparations, and holiday preparation events. I think it is so important to do as much as possible with family and friends at these times. During the summer I really like to take it easy and relax. During the winter (true winter months like January-March) I hate getting out in the cold, snowy weather. So I like to take advantage of the autumn months and do things outside and with family and friends.
Halloween activities like pumpkin patchs, pumpkin carving, and of course, dressing up are so fun. I have two awesome costumes this year that I can't wait to wear. Another fall activity is going to the zoo. I love the zoo! I love seeing the animals and being outside. Autumn is the perfect time to go because it isn't too hot or too cold. I went last year at winter time and didn't really enjoy myself much. We are going to the zoo this weekend and I can't wait.
I have been blogging a lot on my design account. Be sure to check it out and see how the wedding planning process is going!
until next time,
x's and o's
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fun Finds:

Monday, September 13, 2010
Latest Read
Katniss, our main character, volunteers to replace her younger sister after her name is drawn. Katniss has provided for her sister and mother since her father passed. She travels to the capitol with her male counterpart, Peeta; a now-drunk-former-winner-mentor; and a District Representitive to train and prepare for the games. The games are broadcast for the nation to see.
I'm not going to give any more away but I competely loved this story. It is definitely a different kind of story than what I am used to reading. There is a lot of suspense and action along with romance.
I am very anxious to read the second and third book!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010
Dreams of Happiness
Freshmen year of college I changed my major from elementary education to interior design. The idea of sitting in a classroom all day with 25 kids suddenly seemed like a Midwestern occupation. The idea of being a big city interior designer who glammed up spaces was much more appealing to me. I am extremely happy with this decision.
However, sometime between this decision and graduation I was drawn off the path. The big city idea was overrun when I was offered a job at a design firm in my hometown. This seemed perfect since my whole family was here and I was suddenly eager to make this little piece of Earth better designed. The decision to stay in my hometown was provoked even more by my boyfriend, whose family and job are also here.
These decisions have led me to where I am now: living in my hometown, working at a job that I love but where there is no room for growth within the company, with my afraid-of-commitment-boyfriend, and wondering if I will ever see those dreams that I had six years ago. I am happy now with life but I still think about those dreams.
I do still want to make it to a big city and have a job where I work with high-profile clients and cater to their every design need. Often times I wonder if I will make it there. Will it forever remain a dream? Will it make me happier than I am now? These are questions that will never be answered unless I make a decision. And when I decide will it feel pressured or like I am settling? I want to make the most of this life and I want every decision to be educated but I also want to be spontaneous.
Life, I have learned, can be funny and I know that everything will work out as it should; until then I will keep daydreaming, thinking, praying, and enjoying what I have.
x’s and o’s
follow me on Twitter: thecourt_ney
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Working On the Apartment
The question of common sense and how others use common sense has arisen often when it comes to the landlord and maintenance staff. I am determined to keep them on task and fix our issues so that the rest of our lease can go smoothly. For example, we moved in at the first of June and now, at the middle of August, my toilet has been fixed, or so they say, four times. I finally convinced them to take the toilet out and do a better investigation. They eventually followed through; low and behold they found an eye shadow compact. Of course they tried to blame that on me but that is another story. I now have a new toilet that works perfectly. Now if I could just get them to fix the other three problems, we would be set. I will let you know when that happens.
I have been working diligently on making the apartment look greater than it is in reality. Whimsical design is what I love for my own space and I have been using samples of materials to make fun art for the apartment. It takes time but maybe by the time the lease is over, I will finally have it the way I want it. Oh well.
Teaser of materials art.
until next time :)
x's and o's
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Carter is Here!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Wake up in the mornin...
I am going to start thinking more about things for which I am thankful. Every time I complain about something, I will counteract that with three things that are great about my life.
I saw this quote on Twitter today and it reaffirmed my same thoughts. "Today has the potential to be great. What will you make of it?" If I could just think about that every morning, and strive to make each day great in it's own way, it would be a live changing experience.
x's and o's
Follow me on Twitter: thecourt_ney
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fruit detox; yes, again
I am determined to try again though. Since Kyle now works evenings, I am completely making my own dinner choices. Sundays will be the hardest because of after-church dinner, but I'm still going to try. It is only a two or three week detox anyway.
Unfortunately, I have already planned and made my lunch and dinner this week. So I will have to wait for Friday. I will definitely be posting my progress.
x's and o's,
Follow me on Twitter: thecourt_ney
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Will Be Brief
The Internet that we had been using at the apartment has not been working. The connection bar is full but the page will not load and says its unconnected. WEIRD and INCONVENIENT because I have wanted to post on here and designology. I have also had to watch my YouTube subscriptions on my phone which isn't great.
After much confusion and hassle, Kyle and I finally bought tickets to see the Braves play the Reds at Great American Ballpark. I had the dates confused, then Kyle had to work, then we decided not to go, then I realized they play on Sunday as well. So we got tickets for Sunday. Little did we know a bunch of other people, including Emily, are going to that game because it is Faith Day at the park. Mercy Me will be playing after the game. So that is kind of exciting!
Okay, back to work!
x's and o's!
Follow me on Twitter: thecourt_ney
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Design Blog
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Fun Finds
The article linked to an artist's website, Jennifer Bright Art. Jennifer uses her nail polishes to create some pretty cool art. Check out the one below, as well as her website:

twitter: thecourt_ney
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Rules to being a put-together, confident, girly-girl woman
It has taken time (24 years to be exact) to figure out exactly the qualities I want, and now, the qualities I hopefully possess. This list is composed of things that I think every woman should do in order to have these qualities. And even if you don’t want these exact qualities, they are pretty decent tips. (no particular order; they are equally important)
- Don’t be impulsive with your hair. Drastic changes to my hair freak me out. In order to keep my confidence up it needs to stay basically the same. Small changes like changing my part, adding fringe, or trimming keep it fresh.
- Power walk in stilettos. I work along side of construction workers and architects that are mostly older men. Since I’m young, in order for them to take me seriously, I dress professionally every day- with heels. Tensing your calves help keep balance in the highest heels and on rocky job site surfaces like cracked concrete and gravel.
- Never leave home without sunglasses. Some mornings I’m too tired for makeup so I don an oversized pair. Then around 9 o’clock I’ll do up my eyes.
- Drink your way to good skin. I swear by water and peppermint tea.
- Be prepared. Always carry safety pins, rubber bands, a band-aid, clear polish, fong yeow cheng (medicated herbal oil for motion sickness, upset stomach, and headaches), a phone charger and a measuring tape. Ok, so maybe not everyone needs a measuring tape but I always seem to need one.
- Switch scents midday. Something clean and fresh for morning to wake me up and something floral for afternoon.
- Carry a small makeup pouch in your handbag. My essentials are bronzer, an all over stick, and lip-gloss.
- Pose like a pro. Relax all muscles, turn at an angle, and smile like it’s the best day of your life.
- Conceal, conceal, conceal.
- Travel with healthy snacks. I almost always have wheat crackers, a piece of fruit, or at least a pack of gum.
As a sorority girl, I learned to live by the ideals of our creed: Love, Honor, and Truth. I learned the importance of being an active member of the sorority and in turn the community. I learned that happiness comes from giving and to always be sympathetic, gentle, and courteous.
From these morals stemmed a simple phrase I live by: If you dream it, just believe it and you will achieve it. (funny enough, Phi Mu later came out with three similar key words that they market to collegians: imagine, dream, achieve.)
Above all, have faith. I’m a strong believer in God and having faith and a relationship with Him is the only way for me to get through each day. As long as everyone believes and has faith in something, I think they will live a full life.
Until later, x’s and o’s!
twitter: thecourt_ney
This post was inspired by InStyle's 10 Ways to Live like a Supermodel.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
NeoCon 2010

Herman Miller. Haworth showroom. Haworth occasional table. Haworth showroom again. Photo's by Carolyn Pike.

Izzy showroom. "Olivia" chair, Izzy showroom. VWIDON dress and Leland chair, "Valeri", Izzy showroom. Photo's by Carolyn Pike.

x's and o's
twitter: thecourt_ney, youtube: cwork621
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Place(s), Old Face(s)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Dump Cake Adventures
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Moving on... Again.

After peeling off half of the phrase, I really thought about the person I have become.

And what I finally realized is in the last photo...

until next time... x's and o's!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The art of making… decisions.
I am not one who has regrets. I stand easily beside any decision I have made in the past, whether I think it to be the “right” decision or not. This is not to say that I think I am the model of perfection but an example of feeling secure and confident.
A lot of my time lately has been spent thinking about decision making. Why do people make bad choices? How do they know if they are making right choices? Why do we punish ourselves for making poor choices but do not reward ourselves for making good choices?
For many things we choose, there is typically a strong right or wrong decision, which typically comes down to courtesy or truthfulness. Help someone with a heavy load, return a lost wallet, brush our teeth in the morning –yes that comes down to civility, too.
It should be easy for people to make these choices and if everyone made the right decision, the world would be a much nicer, cordial place. This is the part where I’m daydreaming about a perfect world.
The other choices we make are evidence of who we are as individuals and may or may not affect others. While I may choose to wear dangerously tall shoes while walking the streets of NYC all day, it does not affect anyone else but is a choice I would make. A bad choice to say the least; although I know I would do it again, which is a reflection of me. (Sometimes fashion decisions can be both bad and good at the same time.) Or I may decide to not stop for gas, resulting in the need of someone else’s assistance. This is a bad decision that affects someone else and is clearly something I would do. **Side note: this only has to happen once to realize it will never happen again.
Choices I make for work usually fall into the latter category. Building codes, fire safety codes, ADA codes prohibit me from making terrible decisions that are harmful to the public. The choices I make about carpet patterns, wallcovering texture, and paint color are generally simple choices because it either fits together or it doesn’t. Other decisions like furniture or light fixture selection is typically pretty simple, too. Does the chair sit comfortably? Will this pendant produce enough light? Is the style appropriate for the interior architecture? These choices affect others productivity and it is extremely important for clients and their staff to feel comfortable in their surroundings and have things at their convenience.
Back to the topic: feeling secure and confident in decision making. When making decisions that affect others it’s important to ask ourselves one simple question: how is this decision more beneficial than the other option? A client might ask me why I recommend a particular chair over another. If the decision I made was truly the right one, it should be easy for me to rattle off why this chair is the one for them. "The chair is perfect because it is has pneumatic height, has strong casters that will not track the new carpet, has an ergonomic back adjustment to be personalized for each user, has adjustable arms that slide under the table, and comes in a wide variety of upholstery options." I can make my choice sound wonderful, even if it is not the right decision. This chair could be too modern for the space and could really change the appearance of the room but it has so many other wonderful qualities that it cannot be overlooked. It sounds like I’m suggesting lying but I’m really not. It’s about backing up decisions with a solid foundation.
Personal decisions I make are generally more difficult to support because my needs and wants are skewed, as they are for many. I may feel that I need to buy a new lip-gloss because I do not have a particular color or one with such glitter, but do I truly need it? Or do I just want it because it’s pretty?
The reason for this post is because I have had to make a lot of decisions lately. A lot of decisions at work as well as a lot of personal decisions that I wish I could share. I made a pretty poor decision that I should regret because it does affect other people. I told myself a long time ago to live life in each moment and not to be disappointed in choices I made and I have held to that, which makes me feel confident in myself. For this decision, I considered the consequences and was aware of what could happen with this bad decision but still made the bad decision, which I have realized is the wrong decision. (There is definitely a difference between a bad decision and a wrong decision but that is a completely different post.) Not once did I think about what would happen if I made the right decision. I did not take my own advice and see both sides of both choices- the pro’s of the good decision, the pro’s of the bad decision, the con’s of the good decision, the con’s of the bad decision. I only considered the bad decision. It’s like I already knew what choice I was going to make…
Anyways, I just really needed to let my fingers type for a long period of time because it’s kind of like therapy for me. Hopefully one day I will not be as embarrassed by this decision and I will be able to share it more openly.
x’s and o’s
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Soap in my coffee???
Fun story that prompted the title of this blog post... My co-worker did all of the dishes in the breakroom yesterday and I very rarely trust anyone else to do my dishes. That is one thing I'm picky about- probably unneccessarily. This morning I didn't have time to stop at Starbucks or Blue Bottle so I was going to make myself a cup of coffee at work. She had washed my favorite mug yesterday so I just checked it out and decided it was probably fine. After I made my drink and I was letting it cool, I realized it tasted a little off. I assumed it was the water because I am pretty picky about my water, too. I didn't think much of it until I realized that there was a film on the top of my coffee and the bubbles that stick to the side of the mug sometimes were a pretty irredescent color. I thought to myself, 'Hmm. That's strange.' I got a spoon and skimmed the top of my drink but it just came back. My stomach started churning but I assumed that it was in my head. But the more I drank, the more I realized what the strange taste was: SOAP. Majorly gross. Apparently the soap didn't get rinsed out well. From now on, I will be washing my own dishes.
The purpose of the post!: I'm planning a weekend trip to Atlanta in June to see my favorite baseball team play on their home field. I've been wanting to see them play at home for as long as I can remember and I decided it was time to do it. It will be a super quick trip because we will be driving. We will leave Friday afternoon and drive down, spend the day out and about, go to the game Saturday afternoon, go out Saturday night, hang out Sunday for a bit, and then head home. I would love suggestions of places to visit, eat, and things to see. Have any?! Let me know in the comments or tweet me at
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Camera frustrations
Monday, May 10, 2010
Quick Update
1. I'm incredibly tired but I'm not sleepy.
2. I'm incredibly hungry.
3. I have a ton of new music finds that I loooooove.
4. NYC was amazing.
5. I hate long car rides but love roadtrips. Yes, there is a difference.
I am at work right now and about to fall asleep so I need to find something to keep me awake. The coffee isn't working today.
Speak soon!
x's and o's
Monday, May 3, 2010
Hair Ramble

Friday, April 30, 2010
Revlon PhotoReady Review
I picked it up at Target for $11 and it came with a travel size foundation brush. The brush is nothing to brag about but it was free. My color is Cool Beige.
The liquid went on smooth, concealed nicely. My face stayed pretty oil-free and the make up stayed on really well considering I was sweating like crazy and going crazy at work. I am so pleased with this product and I know that I will purchase again. : ) I love finding new things to love.
I'm off to NYC next weekend and I'm sure I'll come back with plenty more things that I love.
x's and o's,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pink me UP!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
OPI Matte Review

I approved a comment this morning asking about my favorite nail polish, which is ironic because I logged in today to review a polish I just got.
I went to Ulta in search of this lacquer specifically. It is OPI Matte Nail Lacquer in Gargantuan Green Grape. I was excited for this color because it was described as "green kissed by the summer sun". I loved it on the OPI website and on the hand. And I loved that you can wear it matte or add a top coat to make it glossy.
I tried out the polish as soon as I got home. According the the blurb on the bottle, you should not apply a base coat, top coat, or drying product to this lacquer. So I removed my old polish, washed, and applied the first coat. It dried AMAZINGLY quick but extremely streaky. I applied another coat, thinking that I may have just not applied it neatly enough. After the second coat, it was still very streaky. I ended up applying a total of four coats and I'm still not happy with the finish.
I like the color after two coats but it's a bit too intense after four. I love the matte look and I think I will add a top coat to the tip of the nail for a two-toned look. I am definitely going to pick up the Alpine Snow color because the thought of a matte, white nail just makes me extremely happy.
Rating this polish is difficult because of the "streakiness". I definitely recommend everyone try it because of the versatility of the matte/glossy option. I think the next time I use it I will have to spend a lot of time buffing and prepping my nails to make sure they are perfect prior to applying.
x's and o's!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Designing Systems Furniture
Everyone has seen systems furniture at some point, and if not in person, they have seen it in movies. Basically they are individual workstations that are separated by different types of modesty panels. Stereotypically, they are called cubicles. But these systems have evolved in the past five or six years into more organic profiles. Below I will share a couple of interesting systems that I really love.

For example, the Resolve System by Herman Miller is quite extraordinary and the system is nearly perfect for a project I am on. However, we need the panels to go completely to the floor and the worktops to have modesty below; instead of the legs that supports it currently. There is no other system that meets the idea of this system, especially the canopy option. So I take the plan and start making these changes to the drawings. Then I detail the drawing with notes and dimensions. Once the drawing is documented, we will send it to furniture dealers to get a specification written and estimated that has every aspect of the system we designed. This is how we designers get exactly how we want out of a furniture system. ;)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Fun Finds

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
New Hair Product
The first day it looked pretty horrific, mostly because it was so windy at the beach. While getting ready for dinner that night, I decided that I would leave a little bit of my conditioner in my hair in an attempt to help smooth it out. (The conditioner I use right now is Tresemme, Pro-Vitamin b5 & Aloe Remoisturize Conditioner.) It was okay with me if my hair had that kind of beach wave, touseled look, since it was true to my day.
My hair actually managed to dry frizz-less! The curls from the shortest layer of my hair seemed to tighten themselves, leaving them spirally and springy (if those words are real words). The longest layers did not curl as much, and I think that if I continue to do this I would want to take a curling iron to them, if only to better direction the curls. My hair was super soft and felt fluffy, without that frizzy, fluffy look. The other thing that I learned was to make sure the conditioner close to your scalp gets rinsed or it will dry and get flaky. My solution so far has been to condition my hair like normal, turn off the water, and apply a small amount to the ends of my hair. Then I wrap it in a towel while I get dressed.
I'm so excited about this, I can hardly stand it. I will definitely be defaulting to this on a daily basis, unless I have an important presentation or event to get ready for. Hair products can get expensive and I would love to cut that expense in half. I'll update if something horrible goes wrong.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
However, there are sometimes when I find it difficult to be patient. For example, the fact that I have told Kyle repeatedly to stick to his discipline plan seems to fly over his head. When his principal told him he needed to come up with one, he worked on it for a week. The plan went into affect and he had some problems with it at the beginning but it started to work. Then he started letting things slide because he hated to have to discipline the students. He would rather just discuss the problem with the kid and try to "talk it out". To me, this sounds like a horrid idea because children don't listen. It's the simple truth. They will never learn just by being scolded, unless they have stricter repercussions.
Now, Kyle is concerned after being evaluated by the principal today that his disciplining is inconsistent...
I mean, I only told him 3194873257345 times to stick with the plan he developed. How much more clear can I make it?!
Needless to say, I'm frustrated with him right now. My conclusion: Boys don't listen.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Time Traveller's Wife Review
Time Traveller's Wife is a timeless love story about a time traveller named Henry DeTamble. His genetic mutation causes him to disappear from the present at any given moment and appear either in the past or the future. When he travels, he leaves behind all possessions and arrives at another place in another time. Time travelling has a couple of upsides, such as seeing people who have passed away again or knowing winning lottery numbers before announced, but for the most part it's a curse. Henry resorts to stealing clothes and money when he travels. Sometimes, he visits himself at a different points in his life. And many times when he travels, he visits the same place, a meadow near the home of Clare Abshire.
Clare is six when she first meets Henry, who was in his mid thirties at the time. In the present day, Henry is just eight years older than Clare. Clare meets him in the meadow each time he visits, with a stack of clothes for him, and eventually falls in love with him. They do not meet in the present day until Clare is nearly twenty. Henry, in the present day, has not traveled to the meadow yet and does not know Clare.
The story continues to share the rest of their life together and their struggles. It is written in first person from both Henry and Clare, which gives us the opportunity to know each of them personally and how they each deal with certain scenarios. Time travel plots add an interesting twist to a typical love story. Clare and Henry have similar problems that most couples do but it is amplified and trumped by the fact that Henry is not always around or reliable.
Once immersed in this book, it was hard to put down. Each character is so passionate that their passion either leads to triumph or failure, which leads me to the one thing I disliked about the story. There was no middle ground. Nearly every character was drown in misery because of their passion. I will not go into full detail because I don't want to spoil anything but it's easy to become attached to the characters and it does not always end up in a good way for them.
I loved this story; the characters, the detail, the plot, the outcome. However, the story did not translate well to the film. The actor choice was the only thing that agreed well with me. There were too many things left out of the film, too much jumping around, and had I not read the story, I would be very confused. Actually, Kyle watched it but has not read the story and his opinion consisted of single word descriptions, "Weird. Confusing. Kind of scary."
So, in a nutshell, book: great, movie: bad.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Weekend Accomplishments
Dinner with Kyle's family
Finished reading "The Time Traveller's Wife"
Watched Kyle's Upward Basketball team play their last game
Picked out new shower curtains for Nannie's new bathroom
Found new art for my bedroom at the new apartment
Drove to Kyle's school and rearranged the furniture, hung up new poster's and cleaned
Drove to Indianapolis and watched Anderson University's tennis team lose against Franklin College (while this is not great, it did happen)
Bought a baby shower gift
Watched the movie "The Time Traveller's Wife" (and was reminded that I hate to watch a movie after I've read the book)
Went to church
Selected paint for Nannie's bathroom
Went to four furniture stores and shopped for a new kitchen table and chairs (but came up empty handed)
Went to the Upward Basketball award ceremony
Enjoyed a banana milkshake
Watched the movie "I Love You Man"
Bought some things for spring break vacation
Graded papers
Made a Power Point for Kyle
Made a crossword puzzle for Kyle
Proofread a study guide for Kyle (even thought my grammar and spelling seems poor on my blog, I actually do know how to write)
Slept in (kinda)
I think that is everything. Oh, and I managed to take a nap on both Saturday and Sunday. I am not a napping kind of person but for some reason, I've been needing them more lately.
Sometime this week I will post my opinions on "The Time Traveller's Wife".
Until then, x's and o's!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's March 10th
Sunday, I finally started reading "Time Travelers Wife". I bought this book so long ago and was so excited to read it and it kept getting put off. Here is why I procrastinate in starting a new book: once I start, I can't stop. Every book I've ever read is like this. Once I have read the first chapter, I'm hooked and I can't put it down, even if I don't really like it. (Sidenote: If I really hate the book or can't get into it, I usually don't finish it. Which is bad.) Also, with this book, I bought it the same time I bought some others and it got pushed down on the reading list. ANYWAY, I am halfway through and I had to make myself stop reading because I was falling asleep.
I have started designing invitations for my sisters baby shower. It won't be until the end of June/first of July, but it's so fun to design them. I have four different designs I made and shared with Amber and my mom and they, of course, choose the two that the other didn't like as much. So, I'm going back to the drawing board to come up with something they both like with colors they both like. I will post the final one on here whenever I come up with it.
I just ate 2 Dark Chocolate Hershey Kisses #randomthought yum yum!
AND! Last but not least, I bought the Clinique foundation and have never been happier. :D
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Random Beauty Things
On a up note, I made a much-needed trip to MAC cosmetics but was so turned off by the sales associate that I didn't buy anything. So, I went back the next day and the same girl was working so I didn't even go in. (Side note: MAC is at the Fashion Mall and I was there with Kyle who was buying a new MacBook at Apple. We went to buy the computer and the next day to pick it up after they transferred all the data from his old one for him. I didn't drive to Indy just to go to a makeup store.) So after the disappointing trip to MAC (the "up note" part is coming), I journeyed across the street to Ulta.... And discovered my new FAVORITE STORE! It's a make-up-obsessed-girl's-dream store. I'm going to give a quick blog haul so that I can refer back to it later and see how much I loved it when I bought it.
NYX Jumbo Eye pencil in Milk ($4) Great highlighter! Goes on dreamy-creamy and blends easily (but best with finger as opposed to a blending brush).
NYX slim lip pencil in Citrine ($3) Gorgeous pigment and color. I haven't used it all day so I will have to see how it holds up to my skin.
Urban Decay Eye Primer Potion ($18) I haven't used this yet but I already love it because of the genie style bottle :)
Urban Decay Pore Perfecting Primer Potion ($30) LOOOOVE! I had been looking for a good primer to help with my oily skin and this does it! My foundation stayed in place, didn't get melty or blochy. Definitely worth the money.
Japonesque Pro Eye Detailer Brush 213 ($18) So soft and silky on your skin. I used a really crappy eyeshadow with little pigmentation so I had to apply a lot to get the color I wanted but it worked well and fit my eye space pretty perfect.
Japonesque Pro Concealer Brush 310 ($14) Like the 213, it felt wonderful to the touch. It really helped me to control how much product I was using and blended nicely.

Because I know y'all wanted to see a pic :D
I also ordered a Coastal Scents 88 Color Palette that I should receive by tomorrow (I've been tracking it online) and I CAN'T WAIT! I'm excited to try out some new colorful looks for spring. Next on the list is new foundation and I think I'm going to go with my gut and try Clinique Superfit.