Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Soap in my coffee???

Today is one of those blahh days. It's rainy outside and cold. I do not have any work appointments today so the day is going to drag on. (It's never a good sign when I'm blogging at 10AM on a Tuesday.) I do have a hair appointment at 1 so hopefully the afternoon will go quickly.

Fun story that prompted the title of this blog post... My co-worker did all of the dishes in the breakroom yesterday and I very rarely trust anyone else to do my dishes. That is one thing I'm picky about- probably unneccessarily. This morning I didn't have time to stop at Starbucks or Blue Bottle so I was going to make myself a cup of coffee at work. She had washed my favorite mug yesterday so I just checked it out and decided it was probably fine. After I made my drink and I was letting it cool, I realized it tasted a little off. I assumed it was the water because I am pretty picky about my water, too. I didn't think much of it until I realized that there was a film on the top of my coffee and the bubbles that stick to the side of the mug sometimes were a pretty irredescent color. I thought to myself, 'Hmm. That's strange.' I got a spoon and skimmed the top of my drink but it just came back. My stomach started churning but I assumed that it was in my head. But the more I drank, the more I realized what the strange taste was: SOAP. Majorly gross. Apparently the soap didn't get rinsed out well. From now on, I will be washing my own dishes.

The purpose of the post!: I'm planning a weekend trip to Atlanta in June to see my favorite baseball team play on their home field. I've been wanting to see them play at home for as long as I can remember and I decided it was time to do it. It will be a super quick trip because we will be driving. We will leave Friday afternoon and drive down, spend the day out and about, go to the game Saturday afternoon, go out Saturday night, hang out Sunday for a bit, and then head home. I would love suggestions of places to visit, eat, and things to see. Have any?! Let me know in the comments or tweet me at www.twitter.com/thecourt_ney


Anonymous said...

maybe she was trying to poison you

courtney {splendid actually} said...

HAHA! Maybe!

Anonymous said...

I would suggest staying at the W, Atlanta Midtown. It's in the art area so there are lots of galleries and specialty shopping close by. It's close enough to downtown that you could go there but only about 10 minutes from Turner Field. If you wanted to go out at night I would suggest going to Loca Luna or Tongue&Groove. They are really fun places. Have fun!

Mimi Collett said...

Haha. And I guess your insides were super clean after drinking soap. ;) (Jill took a bite out of Jeff's bar of soap the other day. That was way grosser I think that drinking dish soap. So moral of the story, be glad it was dish soap and not a bar of soap that had been rubbed on a body. hahaha ew)