Monday, August 2, 2010

Fruit detox; yes, again

A while back I wrote about a fruit detox I had heard about and wanted to try. I stocked up on fresh fruit, raw nuts, and seeds. Then I spent three days weening myself off my normal foods until I was completely switched over to the fruit detox. And then it lasted only three days. :( Sadface. It was completely my fault because I just didn't follow through with the commitment. What got me the first time and what turned me away from trying again was the social downtime it requires. I am a pretty social person and let's be honest, there isn't much to do in Muncie but eat. And even if I was ordering a healthy salad, it still doesn't fit the detox rules.

I am determined to try again though. Since Kyle now works evenings, I am completely making my own dinner choices. Sundays will be the hardest because of after-church dinner, but I'm still going to try. It is only a two or three week detox anyway.

Unfortunately, I have already planned and made my lunch and dinner this week. So I will have to wait for Friday. I will definitely be posting my progress.

x's and o's,

Follow me on Twitter: thecourt_ney

Sent from my iPhone

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