Emily and I are all settled into our new place! We have all of our things moved in (except our kitchen table
because it's in her g'parents barn attic) and put away for the most part. Cable is getting hooked up this week. We got a new couch yesterday... here's a teaser :)

While it is nice to be in a new place, it's also nice to have a familiar face around. We have had some issues with maintenance and just other moving hassles and it's nice that Emily is there to experience and have to deal with it too. :) Emily and I have been friends since 6th grade and we have a lot in common; we have similar likes, expectations, and needs from an apartment. During college, I didn't get to see a lot of her just because we both had pretty demanding schedules for our field and were involved in lots of extra curriculars. I'm glad that we are both working in Muncie now and have a chance to live together. She was going to go back to school for her masters in the fall but she has put that off for another year because she wants to move south and go to a different school. Here are some photos of Emily and I over the years. (The earliest in our friendship I could find was a choir concert senior year. Hopefully I will come across some older ones that I can scan soon.)

As soon as we can get fully settled, we are having a sleepover with the girls!
On a slightly different note, Kyle, Emily and I tried out a place downtown called Savages Ale House. They have pretty good food for late night adventurer's. It's not new to town but none of us had been there. We all liked it. Also on a different note, I have gone back to my summer face which means less foundation, more sun, less eye color, and more Soft Lips. :) It's a nice face to have back.
x's and o's!
cwork621...a.k.a. thecourt_ney
1 comment:
Glad you are enjoying your new place! And I completely agree about the makeup. I love how my face feels so fresh in the summer! Looove, La!
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