Thursday, March 18, 2010


My New Years resolution was to be more patient this year. So far, I think I have done okay. Maybe it's not perfect yet, but from where I was, it's a huge improvement.
However, there are sometimes when I find it difficult to be patient. For example, the fact that I have told Kyle repeatedly to stick to his discipline plan seems to fly over his head. When his principal told him he needed to come up with one, he worked on it for a week. The plan went into affect and he had some problems with it at the beginning but it started to work. Then he started letting things slide because he hated to have to discipline the students. He would rather just discuss the problem with the kid and try to "talk it out". To me, this sounds like a horrid idea because children don't listen. It's the simple truth. They will never learn just by being scolded, unless they have stricter repercussions.
Now, Kyle is concerned after being evaluated by the principal today that his disciplining is inconsistent...


I mean, I only told him 3194873257345 times to stick with the plan he developed. How much more clear can I make it?!

Needless to say, I'm frustrated with him right now. My conclusion: Boys don't listen.

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