Wednesday, December 9, 2009
2 Down
I LOVED "Twilight" and I liked "New Moon". In "New Moon", I missed Edward and the other Cullen's. I grew to like Jacob. Bella annoyed me slightly. (*SPOILER*) I was happy with the ending but thought it extremely odd that Edward, Bella, and Alice were able to get out of Italy and home safely. I mean, Alice made it sound like it would be a bad situation no matter what. Bella got off surprisingly easy, considering she wants to become a vampire anyway. And I can't understand why Bella doesn't just tell her father everything. I mean, he's already in danger because of Bella knowing and becoming involved. Billy knows about everything. And you would think that it would help him to know what's going on in the town since he is police chief. What harm will it really do to tell him?
As far as watching the movies... I'm always disappointed in movies after I read the book. I have things pictured a certain way and I want them to stay that way. I don't want to hear the story a different way, with parts left out, and I don't want my perfect characters to be destroyed by matching them with a flawed Hollywood actor. Even characters as minor as Sam and Mike and Angela and Renee.
My theory is that there are two types of "Twilight" fans: those who love the story and characters for what they are and those that mostly love the story because they love the actors that play the parts. It's the second set that bother me and turned me away from reading the series. I figured if those looney people like this stuff, I'd rather not read it. And I unfortunately seemed to only know those types of people (or heard their feelings about it).
I'm currently in the process of obtaining "Eclipse". I'm interested to know if Bella becomes a vampire or if she goes to college. Does she continue to miss Jacob? And does she do anything about it? Do they ever catch Victoria? Will Rosalie ever accept Bella? (I've always found her to be curious and suspicious.) I'm interested to see how the story unfolds.
x's and o's!
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I LOVED "Twilight" and I liked "New Moon". I missed Edward.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Reading Twilight
Instead, I let my curiosity overcome me. I read the first chapter on my lunch break and spent the rest of the day wondering how soon I would get to read more. And already wondering how soon into the story Bella and Edwards lives collide. And how wonderful the author made Edward sound.
Two hours of reading later, I'm halfway through. And each sentence I read sucks me in more. I'm now wondering how I can sneak it into the office tomorrow to read instead of work.
I'm also wondering about the characters and how I fell in love with the discription of each of them. Never in my life would I think to be attracted to someone with pale, translucent skin and dark circles under his eyes. But throw in that he's 100% off limit (due to the fact he's a vampire, duh), has eyes that change color and intensity to match his desires, a crooked smile, and saves your life repeatedly, and he sounds delicious. (Get it? Because he's a vampire? Haha) I'll be posting with my progress.
I will NOT, I repeat, NOT watch the movie though.
X's and o's
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Monday, November 23, 2009
tweet tweet tweet
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pumpkin season
I am super excited for the upcoming pumpkin weekends which include a trip to the patch, carving parties, muffin baking parties, and then Halloween parties! I love this time of year!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rainy Day Thoughts
I have been praying about many things lately and for the first time probably ever, I did not really pray for myself. I just felt like there are so many other people right now that need my prayers, my diminutive issues just do not seem important. I felt happy that I could spend my time with God talking about other people. In times that I seem helpless to others, I know that my prayers will be the only thing that can help. It’s only 10AM and I feel so accomplished for the day that everything else that happens and any other prayer I say will just feel like a bonus.
On a completely different note, I am excited to go to the state fair tomorrow with Kyle and some other friends. This weekend is going to be one of reuniting. Since graduation, most of our friends have moved to Indy and we do not see them as near as much as we would like. Saturday I am going to a baby shower for a friend that I have known since I was probably 4. That night is the reunion of the Bandits and while there may only be a few of us around, I’m sure it will be a night to remember. Sunday is another baby shower for an old friend from elementary school. I am really looking forward to the weekend and wish that it were Friday!
In the meantime, it’s back to the daily grind with special prayers for an architect I have been working with who will undergo radiation and then a second surgery next week. I am praying for the entire Ellis family, whose faith is purely and completely inspirational.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Keepin' Up

Sunday, June 7, 2009
I'm Movin On
But today I have a blog-worthy entry. I am taking over my sisters lease and she is moving back home. I'm not nearly as excited as I thought I would be because it's not an ideal situation. It's not necessarily the apartment I would choose. And I have been living at home for as long as possible while I paid on my student loans and saved for a house. But she needs the help right now so I'm being a good sister.
So all day today I've been packing stuff and moving it into the apt. And moving Ambers things back home. I'm completely worn out now. I am more excited today than I was before. There is still Sooo much to do.
Now I need to take a bubble bath and relax :)
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Reading List

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
ABC's of Me
2. B is for best friend: I would say Kyle is my best friend right now and forever. But my best girlfriends are probably Katie, Molly, Emily, Ashleigh, Mimi, Megan, Mackenzie
3. C is for career right now: Interior designer :) love it!
4. D is for your dog's name? Heidi
5. E is for essential item you use everyday: the iPhone I would be lost in the world without it
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: definitely House
7. G is for favorite game: either CatchPhrase or Sequence
8. H is for Home town: Muncie
9. I is for instruments you play: that would be nothing except for the notes I can play on the piano... like twinkle twinkle little star and here comes the bride haha
10. J is for favorite juice: Apple juice
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: .... I don't think anyone
12. L is for last place you ate: Thai Smile today for lunch!
13. M is for marriage: Someday..soon I hope :)
14. N is for your full name: Courtney Michelle Workman
15. O is for overnight hospital stays: just when I was little and had my tonsils taken out
16. P is for people you were with today: Monica, Linda, Jennifer, Andrew, and some clients
17. Q is for quote: Sometimes you just have to be with the person who makes you smile; even if it means waiting.
18. R is for Biggest Regret: I do not have one regret in my life! I am happy with all the choices I have made! Except maybe signing up for two unnecessary credit cards
19. S is for status: I am taken! :)
20. T is for time you woke up today: 5:45AM
21. U is for underwear you have on now: I don't remember... I think blue
22. V is for vegetable you love: I like asparagus...and spinach salad
23. W is for worst habit: impatience with certain people
24. X is for x-rays you've had: neck/back after car accident and teeth of course
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: seasame chicken and frosted cheerios :)
26. Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini
It's a BeautifuLife
But don't think I am complaining... I love it. I am so grateful to have a job that I love and want to work extra hours. I feel so lucky to be in my hometown, which I love, and be with my family and close to my friends. Kyle and I are doing great and are finally on the same page. I know that I have said that so many times but I feel like it's finally true. And when the time is right we will be a family. :)
While I have never felt good at making friends, I have grown really close to the people that I work with and their families. Don't get me wrong, I have lots of friends. But I have always been shy and getting myself to open up to new people is hard. I have had it easy my whole life because in grade school, people sought me out to be my friend. I didn't have to look for them. And in college, I gained friends through 3 vices: Kyle, Phi Mu, and interior design classes. Kyle lived on campus so he made a lot of the close friends we have now through the dorms. Becoming a Phi Mu opened doors to so many things. I met wonderful, intelligent women with great morals. While my time with them was short, it has really helped me become the lady that I am. I will always be thankful to them for that opportunity. And lastly, the interior design program was so small, that it was impossible not to become friends with those in all my classes. Anyways, I digress. I have made great lasting friendships with my coworkers and bosses. And that makes it easy to love my job.
So this post has been a lot of blabbing and I need to restart my work day- came in at 7 this morning. Thought I owed it to myself to take 15 minutes to post.
Monday, January 19, 2009
like it was Christmas just last week. And ringing in the new year
happened this past weekend. It's crazy!
So my current major project is apartment hunting. It's a bittersweat
process because while I'm definitely ready for a place to call mine
(or at least half mine), it's sad to be moving away from my
grandparents. I've lived with them for basically my whole life and
they do everything for me.
Okay, enough of the sentiments... I'm super excited to find a place. I
had my heart set on The Bob, which is the new apartments going into
the old Roberts Hotel. Too bad it's about twice as much as I can
afford. But it's a college town and I am not giving up! I'm going to
be living with Ashleigh or maybe Emily. It all depends on what happens
for them after graduation. I hope that they can both land awesome jobs
and I know that they will. I just hope that they are in Muncie! ;)
Lately when Kyle and I are bored we look up jokes online. It sounds
pretty lame but we can crack up for hours and just take it easy.
Usually we look up a couple until we find one that we can't stop
laughing at then we stop and randomly one of us will repeat part of
the joke and we can't stop laughing again. Here's our most recent
hilarious find...
One day a man was walking past a mental hospital when he heard moaning
coming from inside saying "13...13...13...13...". The man saw a hole
in the wall so he peeked in and got his eye poked. The moaning voice
groaned "14...14...14...14...".
Hahahaha... Funny stuff. #
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Hopefully this will mean many more update!!! But not now because I'm
supposed to be working :) hehe
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