Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fifty Days - Day 8

Day 8} A picture that makes you smile

This picture was taken before Kyle and I started dating and to be honest this was a time when he wasn't exactly my favorite person. {This was either high school or very early college; we both look really young here.} Anyway, it makes me smile because for one thing I'm wearing my ex-boyfriends jacket and an expression that shares my displeasure for the fact we are taking a picture, together none-the-less. And Kyle was being his usual annoying self and is pleasured by the fact he can get under my skin.
Unfortunately, he still knows how to do that.
It makes me smile because I can see how far we have come in our relationship and the good times we had before we started dating --even if we didn't like each other.  ^_^

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Haha! When Brandon first introduced me to Kyle.. let's just say I didn't like him either :P haha Times sure have changed! :)