My life now consists of lots of planning. Planning for Kyle's birthday, planning Christmas parties, planning New Years Eve party, planning for the trip to the GMAC Bowl. All fun things!!!
The first night I went as a construction worker and Kyle kept calling me Bob the Builder, which I had no idea who that was. I guess he's an animated kids show/toy or something. I got over the toolbelt pretty fast. That thing weighs a ton.
Night two was a celebration of both Halloween and Erik's birthday. I was Audrey Hepburn which was a pretty fun, easy costume to put together. We got to meet some of Erik's friends (like Jake and Molly in this picture) which was fun. And since at 2am we got to push the clock back to 1am, we had a whole extra hour of party time!!! Wah-hoo!
The stadium was HUGE and it was FULL. One of the coolest things to see was everyone waving their hands in the air during "Hangin Tough".
It was an amazing experience and I was so glad to be able to go with my girls!